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외부 보고서 [New publication] Global Campaign for education(GCE) Education Aid Watch Report 2015

등록일: 2015.09.30, 조회: 670



Global Campaign for education(GCE) Education Aid Watch Report 2015


<Table of Contents>


1. Introduction to Education Aid Watch 2015


2. Aid trends


3. Country profiles (Korea: 39 -41)


4. Multilateral profiles


Annex 1: Notes on definition and data sources


Annex 2: Global ranking tables


ReDI participated in Korea Country profile section on behalf of Korean CSO representative (in cooperation with KoFID, Korea CSO Forum on International Development) at the World Education Forum in May 2015.


This is the first time that Korea was included in the report. Please find the attached for the PDF version of the report.


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